1.30am gtu..i went off9..niat kononnye nk tido..tp..cam biace..bajet anne tido la? Xde mknenye.. 2.30am.. Mr.FS sent mcg..tnye ''anne da tido ea?''..anne biarkn xjwb cz i need my time alone.. Around 1.30am jugak,my love call.. Hmm..lam dilemma anne...nk tipu die for his own kind?or...mnambahkan kerunsingan die yg da mmg sah2 stress ngn kje?? Of coz d 1st choice! Cowy again to my VVIP.. Pale gasak duk malayang nta kmane...laz2 3.45am bru tido.. 4.45am angun sahur... My guardian reply mcg sahur!!!! How i miss dat guy..
Arini kul 7.45am kuar g Klinik Kesihatan..bawak mak g follow up.. Pale anne da mmg tingtong cjak angun pagi tu.. So..bile bcampur ngn germs yg ade kt KK..makin nk mnjadi la pulak sengal badan ni.. 8.20am..Mr.FS mcg..melayan mcg die cmpi 9.25am.. My Gossipmate!! Mr.FS ni mngarut lgi!!!! hahaha.. Pedulik la mamat cngal tu.. Hmm..cmpi uma kul 9.20am.. 9.45am anne tido..cmpi hmpir kul 12pm.. Badan panas..ape ag..demam da..=_= Mm...
Arini..dgn rajinnye anne cari cbb nape wujudnye bunge kuku.. n..these r d rsult that i'v found..
Lengthwise (Vertical) Ridges
A deficiency of calcium may contribute to lengthwise ridges.
A deficiency of stomach acid may contribute to ridges. Stomach acid is required for absorption of nutrients, especially minerals such as calcium.
Reduced liver function may contribute to lengthwise ridges. See Liver Support Supplements.
Spooning (Koilonychia)
Spooning may be accompanied by cross-wise (horizontal) ridges.
Spooning can be an indication of anemia.
A deficiency of iron may contribute to spooning of nails with ridging, brittleness, thinness and lack of luster.
A deficiency of chromium may contribute to spooning of nails.
A deficiency of vitamin C may contribute to spooning of nails along with other ungual alterations as a symptom of scurvy.
White Spots (leukonychia)
A deficiency of zinc may contribute to white spots on nails.
Haa.....so..korg..lau ade bunge kuku..(cam anne ni la..byk x sush nk stop..)..jgn la nk caye cgt org kate cbb rmai pminat..rmai org rindu..
Asalnye yg anne tau org kate cbb bdn kite xsihat.. so..scientifically... cam kt ats ni la kot.. =)
Mlm..da mule la pns cmule bdn ni..=/ Got mcg from my love time buke.. Seems like he's in trouble.. Wish i cud help him.. Moge dipermudahkn cgale urusan baginye.. Anne cntiace sokong abg..no matter wut hppn...
Saat pale makin pening..suhu makin tggi..dpt pggilan dr my VVIP..die kate esk die alek Johor n bhenti kje.. Hm.. Again? Bhenti kje!! o.O i really dunno how to respond on that..cz..tlalu drastik.. Mm.. Anne nk abg tau..anne cntiace doakn yg tbaik wat abg.. Awal2 ag my fmly da suro anne ckp ngn abg tntg kje tu..suro abg tukar..tp...anne xcmpi ht nk ckp..cz tgk abg tgh naik 2mggu lpas.. Tp ckrg abg cndiri ckp abg nk stop.. Lam ht anne ade rce legenye jugak.. Cz lately abg asyk ckp u'r heving difficult time.. Rcenye kje cmtu mmg agk sush gak.. Even anne tgk prgram Kenshido ni pn anne pning.. Hmm...pape pn...Moge abg jmpe kje yg lbh better dr yg ni..
Arini..anne kne jd org tgh utk 2org kawan ni.. They were a couple b4..tp now jd BFF...tp mlmni ley lak gado bsr..>_< Ncb baik la heroin ni ade..(ceh! prcn tul anne ni jd heroin..dri cndiri pn xbtul..ade ht nk jd heroin kan..) Mm..anne ni..air mate cndiri xkering ag..kne lak solvekn probs org lain...tp xpe..not that im regretting..or xcke nk nolong.. Anne cke..anne jd hppy bile anne dpt selesaikn 1 mclh kwn..trce cam mclh cndiri yg selesai..^_^
Arini anne ngarok kt ibu ag..(asal ngarok kt ibu?bukn abah? Cbb..abh tu..akn wat bodo je!).. Da puas ngarok,mcuk bilik,ngs ag...tu je la anne tau..(nta pape kan?) Then ibu kate..''abah ckp..t abah pulang ckit dlu..rm100-200 gtu..'' =_= nak wat aku hangen lagi ke ape ni????? Pantang tul lau kne berurusan ngn org yg xreti nk tepati jnji.. Bengong gile.. Ht ni..lau ley nmpk..nta cmne rupe da agknye.. Mmg mcm2 sumpah seranah la kuar..geram gile! Anne demam ni pn cbb stress yg mlampau la ni... Mmg biace anne lau stress lbh..pnat lbh..pape pn lau lbh ckit..dmm la.. Haish~~~
Arini..dgn rajinnye anne cari cbb nape wujudnye bunge kuku.. n..these r d rsult that i'v found..
Lengthwise (Vertical) Ridges
A deficiency of calcium may contribute to lengthwise ridges.
A deficiency of stomach acid may contribute to ridges. Stomach acid is required for absorption of nutrients, especially minerals such as calcium.
Reduced liver function may contribute to lengthwise ridges. See Liver Support Supplements.
Spooning (Koilonychia)
Spooning may be accompanied by cross-wise (horizontal) ridges.
Spooning can be an indication of anemia.
A deficiency of iron may contribute to spooning of nails with ridging, brittleness, thinness and lack of luster.
A deficiency of chromium may contribute to spooning of nails.
A deficiency of vitamin C may contribute to spooning of nails along with other ungual alterations as a symptom of scurvy.
White Spots (leukonychia)
A deficiency of zinc may contribute to white spots on nails.
Haa.....so..korg..lau ade bunge kuku..(cam anne ni la..byk x sush nk stop..)..jgn la nk caye cgt org kate cbb rmai pminat..rmai org rindu..
Asalnye yg anne tau org kate cbb bdn kite xsihat.. so..scientifically... cam kt ats ni la kot.. =)
Mlm..da mule la pns cmule bdn ni..=/ Got mcg from my love time buke.. Seems like he's in trouble.. Wish i cud help him.. Moge dipermudahkn cgale urusan baginye.. Anne cntiace sokong abg..no matter wut hppn...
Saat pale makin pening..suhu makin tggi..dpt pggilan dr my VVIP..die kate esk die alek Johor n bhenti kje.. Hm.. Again? Bhenti kje!! o.O i really dunno how to respond on that..cz..tlalu drastik.. Mm.. Anne nk abg tau..anne cntiace doakn yg tbaik wat abg.. Awal2 ag my fmly da suro anne ckp ngn abg tntg kje tu..suro abg tukar..tp...anne xcmpi ht nk ckp..cz tgk abg tgh naik 2mggu lpas.. Tp ckrg abg cndiri ckp abg nk stop.. Lam ht anne ade rce legenye jugak.. Cz lately abg asyk ckp u'r heving difficult time.. Rcenye kje cmtu mmg agk sush gak.. Even anne tgk prgram Kenshido ni pn anne pning.. Hmm...pape pn...Moge abg jmpe kje yg lbh better dr yg ni..
Arini..anne kne jd org tgh utk 2org kawan ni.. They were a couple b4..tp now jd BFF...tp mlmni ley lak gado bsr..>_< Ncb baik la heroin ni ade..(ceh! prcn tul anne ni jd heroin..dri cndiri pn xbtul..ade ht nk jd heroin kan..) Mm..anne ni..air mate cndiri xkering ag..kne lak solvekn probs org lain...tp xpe..not that im regretting..or xcke nk nolong.. Anne cke..anne jd hppy bile anne dpt selesaikn 1 mclh kwn..trce cam mclh cndiri yg selesai..^_^
Arini anne ngarok kt ibu ag..(asal ngarok kt ibu?bukn abah? Cbb..abh tu..akn wat bodo je!).. Da puas ngarok,mcuk bilik,ngs ag...tu je la anne tau..(nta pape kan?) Then ibu kate..''abah ckp..t abah pulang ckit dlu..rm100-200 gtu..'' =_= nak wat aku hangen lagi ke ape ni????? Pantang tul lau kne berurusan ngn org yg xreti nk tepati jnji.. Bengong gile.. Ht ni..lau ley nmpk..nta cmne rupe da agknye.. Mmg mcm2 sumpah seranah la kuar..geram gile! Anne demam ni pn cbb stress yg mlampau la ni... Mmg biace anne lau stress lbh..pnat lbh..pape pn lau lbh ckit..dmm la.. Haish~~~
huhu... abai an je la Mr.FS 2...
ReplyDeletewat tmbh skit otk je... =P
hahaha..sakit2 otak..ade gunenye gak Mr.FS tu.. haha..