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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Lepas Rindu ^_~

6 July 2011- 7.20am da cmpi HSI...ni hr ke-2 dtg awl cmni utk tman mak.. Arini urine beg da ditanggalkn..datz a gud news! Mak da makin baik.. Tp xtau la nape..punye la nantok cmpi ley gak tlelap beberape minit b4 doc check mak pagi tu.. 
My dear bubu lak ade interview at Metropolis kul 11.30am.. I'm quite excited (i admit) cz yesterday he told me dat he'll visit mom aftr d interview..^_^ N sure he did.. Even pd mulenye die tsilap hsptl..haha..XD suro dtg HSI die g HSA.. Hikhikhik... Tp..papepn.. he made it.. 1.30pm die cmpi.. Hmm..^_~ How i miss dat face of him.. Die dduk borak2 ngn mak cmpi kul 2pm.. Then trun tman die mam kt kafeteria..cz kul 2pm je makcik guard da round suro org turun..waktu melawat abs..=_= So...lepak ngn die..or...can we call it 'a lil date at HSI' ?? haha.. cian.. xde nk date tmpt lain.. Rce ckup hppy n tenang bile die ade..lepas rindu mmg.. Then kul 3.15pm naik cmule kt mak..die lak trus alek ke kota tinggi..die xley naik cz nex session wktu mlawat at 4.30pm.. Tp ok la tu.. I'm glad dat u've came..thanx 4 visiting my mom my love..^_~ Aftr he left,even bru kjap,da start da nk merindu cmule.. Haih la hati...sabo lerr~~ Bpisah demi cite2 n nk bine mce dpn.. InsyaAllah everything will b ok for both of us..
Yg bgusnye....time bubu otw alek..ley lak die jmpe ngn tantan.. haha... btuah pnye kawan.. Xpuas ag nyakat anne ye? hikhik.. n thanx 4 ur blog entry utk arini ye.....  =P hehe.. ok..enuff bout dat... back to mom...
7pm- mak da tukar wad..^_^ nmpknye.......esk luse da ley alek uma.. Alhamdulillah... Yeay!