Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

20th Bday..

Owryte.. where to begin.. Hmm..28 May 2011.. Im 20 years old.. Itz my 20th bday.. I tot of a bit special ocassion s im turning 20..cz there's no more TEEN2 behind d numbers.. But..it didnt go dat way.. I never asked for clebration.. Tp.....agak kesot hati gak la..cz itz way too cliche..cmpikan da mcm bukn bday pn..jz potong kek kcik tu kt blik hotel time fmly nga berebut nk tgk AF9..=_=hmm..tu pn potong mcm potong bawang je kot.. xde org tggu kt keliling..Tp cndiri yg g hulur kt sorg2..cbb masing2 nga ke sane cni cz nk prepare kudap2 utk tgk AF9..hmm..=_=''  Hm..prezzy....nu-uh.. Juz bjln je la kt KL tu.. Dun feel like bday at all.. Yea..damn bored..datz all i can say.. C die pn mch bz ngn hal die..so mmg mls la nk gnggu..cn4m die letih. Nga kesot2 ht pn..atleast dpt gak tersenyum b4 tido bile sang guardian memunculkan dri.. Hikhik..kamu mmg pndai wat sy tcnyum tnpe disuro pn.. Mcm kamu tau je bile sy cdey or x tenteram..time tu msti kamu muncul.. Thanx guardian..=) Biar pn awk org yg terakhir wish bday..tp da ckup wat sy tcnyum n lupekn sume rce yg pelik2 kt ht ni..laz2 sy ttido trus.. hmm..=)


  1. terakhir ke pertama ke,when it comes to him.mestilah la kamu happy. tipu la xhepi,senyum da cam kerang busuk kan~ hehe ^_^

  2. ^_~ sang guardian mmg pndai amik ht..
