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Friday, 15 February 2013

~:: T.W.E.N.T.Y-F.I.V.E ~ T.W.E.N.T.Y-T.H.R.E.E ::~

15 February 2013.......our T.W.E.N.T.Y-F.I.V.E ~ T.W.E.N.T.Y-T.H.R.E.E..
25months of being friends and 23months of being together.. Cmge kekal la sume ni hingge ke akhirnye..InsyaAllah... Amin.. Mm...so..arini si die ajk cari adik cdare anne yg nme Farah.. adik cdare sorg tu mmg kcik je orgnye..lepasan SPM..bru je tolong die isi UPU 2hari lepas.. Hmm... Well...he got me smiling ysterday (14feb) when he said...
Him: Esk kite cari dak kcik tu ok?
Me: Wtpe?
Him: Nta..abg xtau..tp mmg abg nk gak jmpe dak kcik tu...
Mm..^_~ <3 I juz love it..

So...arini...si die solat jumaat kt masjid mutiara rini..(dkat je ngn uma anne).. Aftr that die trus drive ke uma n amik anne.. Then kiteorg trus ke KSL... g Seoul Garden..n tggu Farah dtg.. Bru je nk dduk kt table yg disediekn..ttbe i heard someone's calling.. Toleh blkg nmpk adik cdare ag sorg nme Amira..same baye ngn Farah...tp die rapat ngn kazenz die belah mak die.. Mmm...im juz so hppy dpt jmpe due org ni.. Mne x nye..bukn sng nk jmpe deorg.. Lg2 lau masing2 mule dpt tawaran blaja nta kt mne2 je psni.. N deorg je la kazens ppuan yg rpt ckit ngn umur anne...yg lain sumenye x abs skola ag.. Hmm...setel mengenyangkn perut kt Seoul Garden,kiteorg mngacau Farah kt Pizza Hut,KSL...die kje ctu.. Ingt nk upload pic die bersungguh2..tp mls la..tenet xbpe nk btul mlmni.. hehe... Puas duk kcau dak kcik tu, bru la kiteorg g wat ape yg patut dibuat.. =) G beli tiket anne alek UMT kt Larkin...then g KipMart beli mkanan utk Pyrate n Ginger.. (si die degil nk blnje gak)...Ade 4 or 5ekor GP kt ctu...rm30 je sekor!!!! Breed Abby+Peru agknye.. cz bulu die lg pnjg dr Ginger(abby)...murahnye!!! Npe la ckrg bru ade..npe la x ade time mncari dlu..=_= Hmm....pstu ade sekor ank kucing kaler klabu ni...bulu soft n pnjg...cgt comel...rm1000 kateny =_= mahal gile.. bukn scottish fold pn...tp xtau la ape breed die.. Mm...puas main ngn ank kucing tu..singgah McD lak cz adk nk double cheeseburger..ibu n abh nk fillet-o-fish.. Anne cje tmbh 2 curly fries cz fr sure abh nk...n belikn ibu icecream sundae.. again...si die blnje.. Bile anne ngomel,die jwb ''kan abg da ckp..lau kamu kuar ngn abg,kamu xya kuar duit..'' Tu je la modal cik abg sorg ni..=_= NEway....thanx dear..i really appreciate that.. Then alek uma...si die tumpang solat.. Aftr that die join jap tgk Running Man kt Astro ni..cz abah tgk.. Ape lagi...gelak sakan la deorg.. Anne lak dduk tgh2 antare abah n si die.. That awesome feeling came out of no where when seing my dad n my hubby-to-be were laughing their lungs out together.. Im lucky..yea i am..^_~im juz hppy for wut ever happened today.. Around 8.20pm he asked to leave the house.. Well...itz one of the best monthly anniversary for us.. The best one was when we went to the zoo..n else..^_^ Hm...pape pn..thanx a lot abg for wut we've been through from the very beginning...till now.. 143367... <3
Mm.. Thatz all for tonite..till when i feel like typing again..=) xoxo

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